Monday, December 14, 2009

Why the Midwest Sucks

There is a reason many places in the heart of states like Missouri are referred to as "Little Dixie".

The Midwest is essentially the South only its reputation is not as known as the South. But it mirrors it in so many ways.

The midwest wants to be the south, right down to the racist hickish redneck behavior.

I am a missourian unfortunately. I hope to one day move away from this Hicksville City.

But I despise the midwest why?

  • Its a racist mecca...neo nazis, skinheads, kkk everywhere. In fact, around here most whites subscribe to the neo nazis and kkk's beliefs although they don't want to join the groups as they are closet racists.
  • Ever since Obama has won, whites have went in the direction of anarchy, they have no self control, they will say some of the most racist things out of nowhere.....Jim Crow, here we come again!
  • Its a red state-which means its a hate state that is against peoples rights-need i say more?
  • Ignorant values. Obviously as a result of being a red state.
  • Bible thumping....if i am not being hounded by some lame jehovah's witness, then i am being hounded by some run of the mill christian who won't take no for answer.
  • Oh, did i forget to mention i live in the city/county? Yeah, millions of people and this is the kind of behavior you'll see, so if its that bad here, just imagine how bad its going to be in a small town. I remember when i was in a car with someone who wanted to make a stop in sullivan (a town actually being controlled and supported by the KKK) to get a soda because she almost fell asleep at the wheel. There were 2 asian exchange students in the back seat with is, as she went in and we sat in the car, i seriously felt like i was going to be murdered when some redneck hillbilly looking white man came out and gave us one of those "you don't belong here" stares.
  • another reason I hate missouri is that its always last to do anything. Looking at its records on social changes, it never changes socially until its fucking forced by the Court/federal gov't when an amendment gets passed. Like I said its a southern state wannabe.
  • MAP tests suck...of course any state test sucks as we all know the pointlessness in any of them.
  • If you are a night person, unless you go to downtown st. louis, not a damn thing is open. For me its not a problem cause I am not social, I like to stay in and have grown up with the lifestyle of everything closing befor 10:00 (with a few minimal places closing at 12 am).
  • The places were police are needed most, are not there, they are almost non-existent. People wonder why the crime rate is so bad...well there is your reason, none of the police are taking a proactive stance.
Those are only some of my reasons, to give you a taste of why I am not so crazy for Missouri, and hope to move away after I get my degree or whatever. Believe me the stuff I mentioned that are problems in my city are apparent in almost every Midwest city....