Thursday, December 10, 2009


When a person is down, its only natural to want to uplift them in some way.

But sometimes people do it in a pretty ignorant way. One that makes you wonder if its supposed to be a Putdown uplift.

What do I mean?

I mean, some people can be dirty in a mean way when it comes to uplifting. In otherwords, they putdown others to make someone feel good. For example:

Black women are often looked down on the most out of every race of women. Darker skinned black women tend to "tear apart" lighter skinned black women and biracials to make themselves feel better.

When a bitch is mean to you and makes you feel bad, what is the first things to come from your mouth? More than likely an insult of that person.

For some reason we as humans have to insult those that we feel are causing our pain, to make ourselves feel better...but the reality is this just makes us more angrier if not hateful because we often do not get to say this to their face, so we are essentially harboring it. It eats away at you.

The problem is most of us don't know how to uplift ourselves without having to hate on others...some people do, and that is usually where that person who tells you the opposite of what someone else said and means it comes along.