Sunday, December 27, 2009

One way to think about it....

I've noticed that whenever a story appears where someone was being discriminated against whether its because of race, gender, sexual orientation, or whatever else; the side that is being accused often states that the ones being discriminated against were yelling or cursing, in other words they were angry and got an attitude.

Of course one has to question if the discriminators were embellishing. Or if the news only prefer to report discrimination stories where the victim is yelling so society can hate and blame the victim rather than focus on the real problem and why they may have had the right to be angry.

But it makes you think about how you respond to hate and discrimination.

When you get angry you are letting them win because they can easily turn it around and get you into trouble even if they were the ones who were originally in the wrong.

Although its impossible to control situations where the discriminator embellishes your actions to make it look worse than it was, it is always best to remain calm and do not curse or get angry, at least not until its a last resort.

I know that its really hard for black people to keep their mouth shut and to remain calm in incidents pertaining to racism...the urge to want to go "ghetto" on them is strong....but we have to remember that we are black in an anti-black country, just a mean look on your face is consider getting an "attitude" and is grounds for justification for your mistreatment....