Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What is a commercialized Christmas?

The Kwanzaa post got me thinking...

Celebrating Kwanzaa is no more wrong than Christians who celebrate the commercialized Christmas (and then claim that since their church put on the usual play about the birth of Jesus and then going to church means they are celebrating its true meaning).

But what is a commercialized Christmas?

Anything that doesn't relate to God or the Bible pretty much. That means presents, Chrismas trees, Christmas dinners, santa, etc etc.

If you do any of that, then you are not celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, you are celebrating the commercialized Christmas.

Often Christians criticize others for the way they celebrate and etc, but a high majority of them are no better.

I haven't met a single Christian yet that didn't celebrate the commercialized holiday.

At least own up to the fact that you celebrate it commercially rather than try to excuse or justify it with church. own up to it and stop acting as if you are holier than thou.