Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why its Black and White and Mulatto

This post was inspired by a some one's comment at Tiffany Jone's wordpress blog about talking about different interracial relationships instead of just black and white. Which reminded me of a rude user by the name of "mynameismyname" over at Abagond blog who often insults mulattoes (such as Halle Berry).

I have, and probably many other biracials who blog about their experiences, often get the jabs from whites and blacks about always talking about the black, white, mulatto stuff, and never anything else when it comes to interracial.

If you check out Tiffany Jone's Mulatto Diaries vlog, you will often see people in the comment sections both on her profile page and videos give her grief for always talking about race...even though her description box on her profile says she is going to be talking about her racial experiences growing up!

Some people just didn't read it, or just flat out are too lazy to read it. But there is a reason many biracials of black/white mixes will focus on the black-white issue. For starters in America, since day 1, its always been a black-white issue. But besides that, its our experience being black and white that propels us to speak only of our experience as being black and white.

You see, I can't talk about how it must be for someone of 2 different mixes, because I personally do not know. I can't even speak for people of my own mix. I can only speak for what I know.

There are exceptions, there is the case of Heidi Durrow and Fanshen Cox, both of whom are mulatto, but do talk about other mixes, or shall I say they have people of a different mix speak about their experiences. These girls are a powerful force having their own blogs (or at least Durrow does), their own podcast, and they hose a yearly event celebrating being multi-racial (which is open to all mixes, not just mulatto). Yet from what I know, neither of these girls have not taken it upon themselves to try to speak about how it is for people of another mix. They invite people of those mixes to speak for themselves. Because lets face it, as much as all biracials may have in common by just being two races, we are all ultimately different and will have different experiences in life.

I personally am not too crazy about Fanshen Cox and Heidi Durrow's podcast, I prefer visuals like Tiffany's vlog at youtube.

But so many people ask why mulattoes only talk about white, black, and mulatto, its because, we can only speak of what we know through our experiences growing up. Besides, would you want someone telling you what its like being 2 different races by a biracial of 2 other races? Or would you actually want someone who is those 2 races to tell you what its like?