Monday, December 7, 2009

Apologies suck

Quite frankly I hate apologies, these days people use them so much its so hard to know if its real.

I remember watching supernanny and how the child wasn't allowed to leave the naughty spot if they did not apologize.

They didn't discuss what the child did that was wrong, they didn't try to explain to him why its wrong and how it makes you feel. They just said "say sorry to mommy".

You know what that does? It breeds the idea that saying sorry gets you off the hook, it encourages fake apologies for the sake of not being ostracized and punished.

The child isn't learning why the should feel sorry for something they are only learning that an apology can clean the slate when someone is upset.

I also hate famous apologies, this is when politicians and celebrities get caught doing something wrong or saying something wrong and get criticized for it. You should know someone is always going to be anal about what you say, so either don't say it or if you do, stick to it.

I mean when you apologize for something that you are obviously not sorry for it makes you look bad.

This leads to my criticism for those who advocate forced apologies. I hate it when they force the person to apologize only to say later on that it wasn't real. Essentially what they are trying to do is exert their power over you, they don't want your apologies, they just want you to be their puppet, someone they can manipulate to do what they want.

When people say apologies only because they got caught or because they said something or did something unfavorable, its hard to know when you are legit or not.

Those who always stand their ground, you know their sorrys are more often legit than not because they don't over use them.

Sorry sucks. It doesn't change the situation. Sorry no longer has a real meaning. Its been overused and abused