Friday, December 11, 2009

"Other races do it too" argument

The "other races do it too" argument is when you state a claim that pertains to one race and the person on the other side retaliates by saying "other races do it to, its not just [blank]".

This method is a way of derailing an argument about race and problems within a specific race because it takes focus away from the race you are talking about and becomes more about do you go PC even though statistics may say different or do you try to get the person being PC to wake and just answer the question and hope you help them realize being PC doesn't solve the problem at hand?

Examples of the "other races do it too" argument:

  1. If you say "why do black men abandon their pregnant girl more than other races?" It gets shot down because you are not being PC about the fact that statistically it really is mostly black men who abandon over other races. We all know in the back of our minds that not everyone is the statistic, but the problem is, because they don't state it like this "Why do people abandon their pregnant girl?" it gets shot down. You can't really ask it the PC way because there are different reasons for each race because each race has a different history in America. You can't even say "why do many black men abandon pregnant girlfriends?" because it still just addresses only blacks. So once again you can't get an answer because you aren't allowed to ask.
  2. Why are white people the most racist? Also follows the same reasoning as the first. (often whites will use the "you are a racist for calling me a racist" argument along with the "other races do it too" argument.
Essentially people are so busy trying to be PC about this, that the problem always ends up going unsolved. Black men keep abandoning pregnant women at high rates. Black women keep getting pregnant at high rates. White people keep being racist at high rates.

Everyone knows each race is guilty of the same things, but the reality is some races are more guilty than others, and for that reason, its important to make awareness of that to fix it. Whites are more likely to be racist than blacks. Blacks are most likely to leave a girl pregnant. Wouldn't it be for the good of society to fix it? To curb it as much? Yes that means another group becomes the most guilty of it, but then you apply the same, at some point, you have alot less of racism and pregnancy rate issues than you did before, its always gonna be there, just not as badly as it/was. But people don't care to look at it that way.

We are so busy trying to say "all races do it" or "not everyone in that race does it"that no one ever answers the question.

The thing is, if I cared about what other races did, I would have not have specified a race. The fact that I specified a race means I only meant that race.

The "other races do it too" argument is used by both sides of the political spectrum and by all races and all genders. It also comes in other forms not just race either (kinda like when you and someone else are doing something you are not supposed to do and you get caught but the other doesn't you say "but they did it too").

Its never considered derailing when its aimed at you and you are giving the "other races doi it too" argument. But when you are asking and people do it to you, then it all of a sudden becomes derailing. Either way it is you are not educating someone when you use the argument, you are only trying to derail it.

Yeah we all know that each race has their own set of problems, and how they became problems in that race is different than for other races. So stop derailing and just answer the question...

Sometimes I wonder if people derail because they don't want to have to deal with the problem and they hope ignoring it will make it go away. Cause lets face it, when we have to hear about the problem, and why its such a problem, the next 2 big questions is, why aren't we fixing it and how do you fix it? and the reality is, no one wants to fix the problem...or at least put in the time and energy it takes to fix the problem.