Sunday, December 6, 2009

Town observing

I once did a post on how we are more intrigued by people of another country not of our own. In a sense, the "town observations" is the same way.

Town observing is when you go to a different town than the one you have lived in for quite a long time, and observe things that you don't notice in your own town.

Over at Abagond's there was a small discussion about location and interracial relationships between black women and white men.

As sure as one said they see more of it in LA than they did in NYC, another person who was visiting NYC said they saw more of it than where they happened to live (Mississippi).

Town observing can be for anything. I discovered Red Box at a Walmart in Oregon when visiting family back in 2008...I had never heard of it or seen it and didn't know if it existed in my midwestern city at home. But when I came back I found not only a redbox at McDs but a blue box at a grocery store.

The point to town observing though is that it shows how adapted we are in our own environment that its easy to miss so much, miss things that you find more apparent everywhere else.

Different places, strange places make it easier to spot stuff you wouldn't at home. We are more interested in what a different town has to offer, even though one doesn't see what their own home town has to offer.