Friday, December 11, 2009

Tasering a 10 year old

A few weeks back a cop misused his taser when he tasered her for being unruly. The situation is that the mom called in the police because the 10 year old would not take a shower.

As I said in a different post, I like and want a taser. But I do think there should be some kind of control on it, I mean, people have the tendency to read a situation wrong. How many times has someone who grew up in a different place and saw a black man who was very ghetto/gangsta and all of a sudden clutch their belongings or took out the pepper spray?

I won't lie, I get that feeling, and sometimes actually do take out my pepper spray, there has been an attempted rape on north campus and an actual rape not too far from the residential dorms yesterday on south campus. In both cases it was a black person.

But its not right to use it on every black person, even a gangsta black person, who comes up to you because some are just genuinely trying to ask a question or something. Not every black person is a sicko rapist/theif/killer. Of course dressing like one, and talking ebonics does give off the vibe that you are one....and that is why I don't blame some whites for being scared, cause even I am.

Now I don't know the race of the 10 year old and I honestly dont really care to know. But I do think its extreme to taser a fact I think its extreme that the mom had to call in the police over a matter of a shower.

Maybe its just the broken home syndrome...when there is only one parent in the home, the kid acts out more and blah blah blah.

The officer said the mom said it was okay to taser. I wouldn't be surprised since she had to call in the police. I think its the dad who is upset by this. Maybe the girl should live with her dad for a while...and maybe an investigation should be done on the mother.

It just seems like she was misusing the police's time (even though I doubt the police were probably doing anything useful anyways). I mean a parent needs to rethink their strategy and parenting skills...when you have to call in the police over a matter of a shower, there is something wrong in that situation alone....the question of the taser being used on the kid is 2 questions itself to be asked afterwards:

1. Should police taser 10 year olds? Should the police be resorting to violent measures so soon in a situation?
2. Should they investigate the mom for allowing her child to be tasered?

I support tasers as much as the next person, but I do not like it when people misuse the taser.

But this situation sounds like not only should the police officer be investigated but so should the mom...something just doesn't add up.