Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interchangeably both

So the racists over at Macon D's blog want to rag on me for using both black and biracial.

Typical racists, they either call you "confused" for not sticking with one, or they call you a self hater for somehow using both....

Yeah, their point kind of gets hidden.

Then I got accused of hating dark skinned blacks. Must be because I refuse to deny the fact that lighter skinned blacks tend to get mistreated by darker skinned blacks while also being mistreated for being black.

I guess it hard for some people to realize that yes, mixed people and light skinned blacks do in fact suffer from racism.

Its the same with how black men always talk about racism against them but never the black women.

You can tell the idiots over there have an extremely loose definition of a racist. Their definition of a racist is someone who disagrees or does not sympathize with the poster. You are a troll if you say anything different, god forbid. Which in reality is so not the definition of racism.

But that should be expected when they are too dumb to figure out the difference between self identity and self hatred.

That blog is a joke. The commentors there are major jokes. Their racism and stupidity is so bad, it makes Ann Coulter look like a nice girl, and believe me i DESPISE her!

At least when she was railing on mulattoes in her book Liberal, she at least made a little bit more sense. The main thing she was complaining about is the fact that biracials call themselves black rather than biracial even though their dads left. The problem is that she forgets what society is about.

You see, I prefer racists that know they are racist and are not ashamed to be open with their racism like Limbaugh, Beck, and Coulter...racists who are "liberal" anger me, because they go around calling everyone racist for not agreeing with them, they go around ignoring the important things, they go around just doing the dumbest things. Just talking about "anti-racist liberals" makes me want to go conservative, the party notorious for being open and accepting of racism especially against blacks!