Sunday, November 8, 2009


While it is not a perfect list and I am sure there are many more, Abagond who does a blog on race relations in a very realistic point of view from a black person (there is also a white guy who does the almost same blog and says the same things as Abagond only difference is that it comes out of the mouth of a white person instead of a black person). Did 2 posts on mulattoes, one post was of celebs who have white moms and black dads and the other is white dads and black moms.

I am gonna post the links to those 2 posts as they are very awesome, who knew there were so many in the industry?

Black moms and white dads

White moms and black dads

Here is a link to Macon D's (the white guy's blog) that is quite similar if not sometimes even better than Abagond's blog about race relations. You can check out more of Abagond's blog through the 2 links I posted to his 2 posts.