Monday, November 30, 2009

Difference between conservative racists and liberal racists

Typically a conservative racist is more overt with their racism, just look at Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck. They are unapologetic for their racism, and their actions and behaviors are often justified by most white people.

A liberal racist is more racist while using the guise of being anti-racist. Such example is Macon D and his blog. This type of racist is more covert with their racism and they are more applauded for being liberal and anti-racist because most people are oblivious to the racism they deliver.

What makes the liberal racist worst sometimes is that they try to pander to both sides. Its like when people say something like "I think blacks are all genetically bad, no offense". They think that "no offense" makes what they say is okay.

Both parties use the "I have black friends so its okay for me to say racist stuff"argument.

Conservatives try to justify their racism by saying its patriotic. They use guises like "socialism" to excuse their racist behavior, and whats sad is that majority of white people are actually dumb enough to believe all of it.

Liberal racists don't want to believe they are racist. Most will deny it and even use the "I voted for Obama" excuse, which would make you wonder, if one has to say that, then were you just voting for them because of their race? I mean otherwise, what does his race have to do with anything?

There are two types of liberal racists, you got ones that are down and out racist but have democratic beliefs (like Robert Byrd), and then you have your unknowingly racist liberals, who pretty much subscribe to stereotypes about blacks.

The unknowingly racist liberal refuses to accept that they are racist, and will, like the conservative racist, try to justify what they did and make up excuses.

In the end, both the conservative racists and the liberal racists are not good. But what makes the liberal racist sometimes worse than the conservative racist is the fact that we all expect conservatives to be racist and hateful, as both the Libertarian and Republican parties are hateful anti-human rights type of platforms. But we expect liberals to be more opening and accepting, yet many are not. In other words, some don't live by what they are politically preaching.