Monday, November 23, 2009

Cultural Identity and Assimilation

The majority race in a country has all the power. Sometimes it seems like the problems of America, and other countries is that you have different cultures conflicting.

Race isn't just the problem but when people come from countries like Mexico, speaking spanish and not learning English this creates hostility.

I do believe English should be the official language, and if one comes here, they should learn the language rather than expect us to learn theirs.

I think a multi-cultural society is honestly not possible. Its one thing to celebrate your culture within the privacy of your own home, but different cultures conflict outside of it. In the middle east, there are honor killings of women who stray away from the their family traditions. Its legal there, but illegal here.

People say assimilation is a bad thing, but personally I don't think it is. There is nothing wrong with liking things that are "white". There are blacks who like country music (I don't), blacks who like NASCAR, and blacks who like baseball. Adopting White American culture isn't what makes one a sellout. What makes one a sellout is when they turn on the issue of their race and adopt a white way of thinking (essentially spouting off that racism isn't real or justifying racist acts against blacks).

When you try not to assimilate, that makes you an even bigger even bigger threat to other peoples tranquility. It makes you seem as though YOU are unwilling to fit in.

Some blacks will say that whites will still hate us if we all assimilated and became like white people. And that is true...but if you are just like them, then they can't accuse you without accusing themselves of the same thing.

Right now some of the bad things about black american culture is that many blacks are having lots of children unmarried, especially black men. This is often sets up some image that blacks use welfare more than whites (and media encourages this stereotype). The violence in the ghettoes and the ebonics that many speak only encourage the idea that blacks cannot be smart.

Rap videos do not make things any better.

The black american culture used to be strong, but somehow deteiorated....

What this does is that it helps whites justify their racism even more, because they have things they can plainly hold over the black race's head. Sure the media isn't helping by only focusing on all the badness of the black race and not enough of the good, but at the same time the black race isn't really trying on their part to assimilate so that whites have less of an excuse to hate blacks.

Blacks have been and still are the most affected by racism...but maybe black america should give up its cultural identity in favor of assimilation. One doesn't have to forget their history but one should try to not be so different that it brings too much attentions to self.