Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Domineering/Angry black woman stereotype

Black women suffer from stereotypes that range in complete opposites. You got the mammy and pickaninny stereotype. You got the sexually loose and sexually conservative stereotype (there is NOTHING wrong with waiting til marriage!). Then you got the worst stereotype of all...and this one is perpetrated often by black men.

It is the "angry black woman" stereotype. When black men give you reasons they do not go for black women, this is usually the main reason. White men are also bad about applying this stereotype.

It is damaging because it discredits perfectly good reasons for being upset. Essentially, its a way of ignoring their troubles. For centuries black women have been supporting black men and fighting for their rights along with their own, and now you have many classless (usually disrespectful) black men of today's generation who go around being hateful to a black woman. Its bad enough other races see mixed girls and black girls as least desirable...but now black men do the same...and the thing is if it wasn't for a black woman, they couldn't get with a white woman and get her pregnant and then leave her like a very good majority often do.

I am not angry that black men prefer white woman, because I personally prefer white men, mulatto men, asians, and latin guys over black guys anyways but it angers me when black men fault black women when they themselves are so fucking guilty of doing horrible shit.

Its pisses me off the same way white guys claim that the only white girls blacks like are fat rejects. Yes for the most part that is true, but not always. My cousin is beautiful and is your all american type of girl from a very conservative christian background and she has been in long term relationships with black one specific one she was abused sadly.

Black women, with the way they are treated have a right to be angry. Hell I myself am very angry. I don't hide it either, I am an angry person. I despise the world.

But one white guy said he no longer dates black women because he found them all domineering. He said he hadn't met one yet who wasn't one. Another guy said that they are all gold diggers.

Most guys will chime in and agree, even black men. Its easier to blame a whole race of women, than it is to blame yourself.

My mom was ditched by my dad and my sister's dad. She could blame the whole race of men if she wanted to, considering almost every biracial at least around here tend to be abandoned by the father. But my mom knows that she is partly to blame for what happened.

Those who let themselves believe a stereotype going into something, nothing that person will do, will change your perception. If you believe a black person to be violent, before you know them, then the moment they get angry, even if justified, you will attribute that to the stereotype and use it as a reason to down them and an entire race.

Its true that it only takes 1 bad black person to destroy what 10 good black people have done.

Ask yourself this, if every black woman you have been with was "domineering" then wouldn't you think, YOU are the problem?

I mean, either you go in with stereotypes and refuse to be proven wrong, or you are looking for those types of girls so you can use that as an excuse to dis on an entire race of women and still "claim" you are not racist. Or you just do not have high enough standards to attract good women. That or maybe you expect a girl to submit to you.

If its one thing that has separated black women from other races, is that most will not be submissive. In a sense, 200+ yearsof evolution is the reason why. Black women have not had it easy in America, not from the moment they stepped foot in this country. I do not know about their experiences in Africa, but in America they have always had to work. In slavery they were forced to work fields and be baby making machines. They had to have jobs even when married because blacks were not paid fairly and usually had to have 2 paychecks to equate half of what a white man usually made. On top of that they are females and females were not treated so great at all in history.

Black women couldn't afford to be submissive in American society. How could they, anyone who thinks they could have been, seriously needs to look at history again.

Men want women who will submit to their authority. They consider a woman who will not be abused, "domineering".

Men often tell women its their fault for getting duds for boyfriends. When will it be the mens turn to take responsibility for always going for the wrong types? Don't blame the whole race of black women just because YOU have problems!!!!