Thursday, November 12, 2009

Apology for the past.

Whites are the type that will let themselves feel bad for what happened to the Native Americans but will not apologize, and worse they will justify slavery and not feel bad for it at all and certainly will not apologize for it.

There is a white supremacist "blog" called Pajama Media. Where whites go to whine about how hard it is to be white in a world that we all know caters to whites and bows down to whites first. Yes these people are ungrateful for having things better than others.

The white supremacist blogged about how the senate passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and Jim Crow. Naturally that did not make headlines, not that it would matter. It doesn't change the fact that right this minute, blacks are still fighting the fight against racism that whites insist on doing to blacks for simply being a different skin color.

Should we be apologizing for the actions of others? Its not a sincere apology if its reasons are not legit. Also its hard to apologize for someone when they are not sorry.

The senate only signed it to make themselves feel better about the fact that they support racist ways (in fact they put a clause in it stating that this resolution could not be used by blacks to argue for reparations which in itself is a racist act that therefore makes this resolution invalid). Their hearts were not truly in it, they did it more as their idea of an "obligation" than to really right a wrong. It was a hollowed apology.

Most whites are not sorry that slavery happened, in fact, whites are not sorry for any hell they put someone through.

You can't apologize for the dead because you can't speak for the dead.

An apology doesn't even begin to do half the justice deserved for slavery and Jim Crow.

I am more effected by Jim Crow than I am slavery. I would rather see the wrongs of Jim Crow righted. With slavery, it was horrible and nothing can ever be done to correct it, other than the fact that Lincoln got the guts (for whatever his reasons were) to abolish slavery.

You may be asking, "well isn't that the same with Jim Crow, someone got the guts to end it?" No. Jim Crow was an another unnecessary hell.

If one should be apologizing for anything its Jim Crow. Whites always argue the lame old useless racist argument "I didn't own slaves" or "my family didn't own slaves!" But as a white person you automatically benefited from the discrimination of blacks, and for that you should be sorry.

Thousands if not millions of people are alive from the Jim Crow era, people don't realize that this only ended 40 years ago. So yes, there is good reason to right that wrong.

Also what about today? I would much rather whites fix their covert racist ways and their "i am the victim" attitudes and to right the wrongs of such things like shopping while black, driving while black and other issues rather than right the wrong of slavery.

The only thing that can be done for slavery is to erect a universal memorial for all slaves, since most do not have proper burials.

I believe white americans need to be made to feel bad for what the whites before them did. Feeling bad provokes an action to not want to repeat in any similar way those actions, especially since majority of whites are guilty of racism and holding covert racist thoughts about blacks.

Even white men married to black women hold racist thoughts. Even white moms of mixed kids hold racist thoughts.