Thursday, September 24, 2009

The reason America isn't as multicultural as it could be.

Many supremacists say a "multicultural and multi-ethnic society is not possible". They use race relations then and now as their excuse.

But my view is that, it is in fact possible, the only reason its not happening is because America won't move past its history and correct the current social errors.

In otherwords, America's race classification hinders a multicultural society. Accepting and correcting all wrongs of the past, hinder America.

Maybe America should be like other countries and get rid of the mentality where one bases another on the skintone.

Maybe America should stop trying to say they are "Irish, Italian, German, European in general, Asian, African, Ghanian, etc" unless they or their parents were actually born there. Lets face it, with each generation that passes, you become less of that culture and more apart of the American culture.

America can have multiple races...but it needs to realize that it has its own culture separate from other countries.

It needs to start seeing people for their actual race, and not assumptions. The wrongs made by the whites to every minority group need to be corrected.

Its not that a multicultural or a multi-ethnic society is impossible...its just most don't want to take the necessary steps to get towards that kind of society. Everyone holds on to the crutch, holds on to the rules of the past like a lifesaver. America refuses to change...its too ignorant and set in its ways.