Saturday, September 26, 2009

Only dumb people can't figure out the "historically" in Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

I am always seeing and hearing people whine about "if blacks can have their own college why not whites?". Those with common sense know that almost every college in America is not only predominately white but historically white. But you don't have to say that, as they are the standard.

The problem is many whites fail to realize white is the standard...that is why you don't hear about "White history month", because why would you need to address the standard? Only morons fail to see the standard.

Historically black does not imply it is strictly for blacks. Those who actually know their history know that a little over 40 years ago, it was illegal for blacks to attend regular universities. Since the Civil War, there were black colleges made for blacks...such as Fisk, Morehouse, Howard, Spelman.

They have never denied their entrance of any race into these schools. The point of calling these schools (some of which have predominate white majorities nowadays), HBCU is to make aware of its history and prestige. Predominately black and Historically black are two different things.

A few years ago, a white guy became the first white valedictorian at a HBCU, and yet many uneducated (or simply whiny whites) complain about HBCUs and act as if they are black only...

I have begun to notice those who use the HBCU argument are nothing more than racists looking for something to bitch about because complaining completes their life as they have nothing better to do. These types obviously go out of their way looking for a problem that doesn't exist...they want their white privelage to be more powerful than it already is...they prefer to keep minorities in their place...and hate the idea of minorities having anything equal to them...otherwise, why bitch about historically black colleges?

I mean, you have to be a moron not to know what the heck "historically" means. That or just another racist, which pretty much makes you a moron anyways.

On another note related to HBCU, some ask if their purpose is no longer needed...and I say yes, not just because racism is still alive and well but because some of these schools still run efficiently and provide quality education. Why shut down perfectly good schools just because blacks can attend non-HBCUs???

The thing is, people assume they have no purpose to exist anymore because of their history...because they came into existence for an entirely different reason than the white schools.

I think some people assume that a college can't function properly or be diverse if its got a majority black student body.

I haven't been to a HBCU, I know there are some in my state, and I think they still have good reason to be around. HBCUs are better than just your run of the mill predominately black college...because usually a college that is predominate became that way due to white flight but with HBCUs, they have a more rich and strong prestigous legacy....

In the end their purpose is no different than most schools in America, the only difference is that they are not the standard and because of that it makes them a target.