Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Race and IQ?

I never understood how some people can actually believe how smart you are is based on your race. Worse, I can't believe people actually fund scientists to "prove" this. It has always been obvious to me, and probably many others, that the biggest contributing factors to why blacks score lower than race, has to do with environment, and parenting.

I was looking at various websites trying to find out about IQ. In some cases, they lumped biracial people with their more dominant gene. In this case, biracial people were lumped with blacks. In other cases, they kept mixed race separate. Apparently one experiment ended up showing that biracial people who were raised by white moms, performed better than blacks and even whites. This was in the 1970s though. Since then, its been said, that biracial people do better than blacks, yet not as good compared to whites.

I have never taken an IQ test before. I was about to once, and was about 2 questions in it, when I realized, that I truly do not care to know my IQ.

I am one of those people who is against standardized testing. I hate the SAT, ACT, the high school standardized testings they make students take each year.

These tests are not neutral. Everyone's level of education is different. Every school is different. How can one take a test that does not take in account, for what they have and have not learned?

I have always felt a person's GPA said more about them than a stupid test score.

But I can't help but wonder, do people only do theses researches, to establish some kind of racial superiority?

Can any good come of it?

We all know the stereotype people that "black people are dumb". An experiment was once done on the subject of Stereotype threat. Blacks did better when they knew they were not being measured, compared to the ones that knew they were. It was explained that black people do worse, because of their fear of the stereotype.

But the only good that could possibly come from these racial IQ testings, is trying to find a way to fight it.

I truly believe smarts does not come from genetics, but from your environment. I am not going to go into a list of what I find wrong with the black community, and society itself, that could cause such a racial gap in IQ.

But, once you know the problem, accept that its a problem, and find a solution for yourself, you can then combat the problem itself.