Sunday, September 27, 2009

I got the safer end of the bullying from blacks in high school...

I was reading some things on issues that pertain to people who are light skinned, or have anglo features, or have "good" hair (I am still not sure what exactly constitutes as good hair as everyone says something different) or talk like white people (meaning that one does not talk ebonics) or acts white (meaning one that does not like gangsta/ghetto things such as rap).

In many of the articles, one of the scary but most prevalent things was how girls would get beaten up because other black girls felt that one black girl thought she was better than them (thus the fact that they'd have to beat her up shows how insecure they really are).

I was creeped out....I have mentioned a couple of times how I have a great disdain for people who act ghetto or gangsta.

I remember reading the book Mixed, and how Angela Nissel spoke of her drama with darker skinned blacks over that whole issue.

I thought about my own experiences with blacks.

The school i went to was about 60% white, 20% black and 20% any other race.

I have gotten in a fist fight with a black girl once...but it was over the fact that she was bullying me...her reasons for hating me, were never revealed...she was definitely one of those wannabes that shunned her black side...

We got away with our fight as everyone stopped us before the gym teacher showed up.

But that was the only physical confrontation I have ever had in high school. Yet, I was often bullied by blacks.

Growing up with a white mom, meant I had no one to do my they made fun of me for it.

But no matter how painful it was mentally to deal with the rude and harsh behavior of these black girls (majority of which acted ghetto), I realize now, that I was lucky. I guess my lack of associations with blacks in high school, also saved me from being more physcial confrontations.

Reading some of those stories, made me see how bad some have had it, for the most dumbest reasons. I often say that those who act ghetto/gangsta humilate our race and are keeping us further down...and I feel I am right in those assessments. Living in the hood doesnt make you ghetto or gangsta in my opinion, but certain behaviors and attitudes do.

I just couldn't believe how many would beat you up over perceived "snobbery". I am the silent time, and I just now realized why that black woman who did my hair 6 years ago, told me that being silent and ignoring mean people would make me seem like a snob. She was warning me. This woman also was the first to tell me about colorism (something I would not realize until about 6 or so months ago).

People do take a sign of silence as snobbery. I know i certainly did, when I would be around people who didn't speak. So naturally others would perceive my lack of speaking as snobbery...which may provoke those who are violent into beating you up...because they perceive you to be a snob, simply for not speaking.

Although the catch 22 is that, often speaking can make you come off as a snob for not saying the right things.

In the end one is backed into the corner for simply being different.

Its a scary revelation, knowing how one will be beaten for preconceived notions by people you barely know, if you even know at all.

Its tragic that one is stuck being stereotyped by both sides of their races. I hate being stereotyped by whites, and then being stereotyped by blacks...I can't help but feel as though mixed people get the worst of it all in the end....


Biracial Christian Girl said...

The first verbal racism I ever received was from black kids when I hit me teens. IT was a great surprise to me because before then I had no idea black were capable of racism. I thought if you had always been treated bad because of your race , why would you do it to others. the whole thing was indeed a revelation. Also one time I was out with my mom and these two black girls stared us down and called us bitches. I never was beat up or threatened a beating though. I have heard some other bad stories of black girls cutting a biracial girls hair and throwing acid on her. Crazy stuff! And yes , it's scary!
i too am also a quiet person and got accuseed of being stuck up. I was shy though. That was just me.