Monday, March 1, 2010

"Its not just [insert]" excuse

When you are addressing a problem directly at a specific group it is typical of people to get onto the defense and say "well its not just so and so, anyone can do it" excuse.

Whether its talking about whites being the most racist, blacks and the issue of lack of fathers, and high crime, or old people and driving.

This type of derailment seeks to avoiding getting to the heart of the problem by acting as if everyone is equally guilty of doing it.

Sure every group is guilty of it...but not to the same extent. Whites have always been more racist and socially accepting of being racist towards blacks. Black men tend to walk out on being a dad more, and old people do pose a great risk at driving at old age.

Colorblind society fails us because we refuse to address the specific problems. Even if you accepted the shotted theory of everyone is equally guilty of doing it, the problem still doesn't get solved...why? Because by then you have lost all energy to press the issue. The people who give you the "everyone is guilty" theory never had the intentions of solving the issue.

Of course naturally how one phrases the problem will make a difference. A white person just can't go in and say "all blacks are violent" or "all black men are bad dads". Yet if one came in and said "statisically, black men tend to be sentenced to jail more" may evoke less angry responses, especially if the person stating this is aware of biases in the court and prison system.

Most of all when it comes from your own, its easier to deal feels like its less of an attack and more like advice.

The one thing Anti-PC people have ever actually gotten right in their pointless diatribes is that being politically correct has caused everyone to stop talking about the problems and solving them. We are so busy having to try to get around stepping on peoples feet that we are too tired to even bother solving the issue.

Now this doesn't give you the right to be a jackass over the problem...if you want to fix the problem you have to show compassion and understanding of the reasons its a problem in the first have to show you are a friend, not an enemy. You have to put in a lot of work yourself.

But the problem will never go away if we keep it too general....obviously one group is worse off with it than others, and that is where the solution is mostly needed.

But as long as people keep being hateful about the percieved problems (such as how whites act towards blacks and crime), then people will be able to find reasons not to solve it.

Better yet, why don't those who complain so much about crime being such a problem, be the first to volunteer to fix it? Lead by example.