Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why its best NOT to be friends with someone who will remain friends with a racist

Have you ever been around that person that has a friend who has racist views? Would you remain friends with them?

Its easy for the white person to remain friends with a racist, or a friend of a racist because they are unaffected by it.

But what if you are a minority? Its not so easy then. Its about as problematic as liking a movie knowing full well the actors in it would be or are, racist against your very being.

Being friends with someone who chooses to be friends with a racist can do you harm. Why?

  • These people may turn on you since they obviously do not care nor respect you
  • When you endure a racist act, they will more than likely not be at your side. Worse, if their friend is the one doing the racist act they will more than likely excuse the behavior and try to justify it.
  • You can't trust them to have your back as its hard to know where their allegience falls.
  • Most importantly, they may share some of these beliefs otherwise why would they tolerate being friends with someone who is hateful?

You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends. Anyone that is friends with a racist is showing they have no respect for you and are showing they share at least some of the views of the racist.

Some would argue back saying they may not share the view but they can't just tell them off. Well my response is that you have to choose, you can't have it both ways. A racist person is not a good person at all. Being friends with one shows your lack of respect for others. A person's friends says alot about them.

Some will give you the excuse "its their opinion" as their way of excusing and justifying such things, something be of someone's opinion is not enough of a reason to keep someone as friends.

Would you be friends with someone who believed killing was okay?

Someone's acceptance to having racist friends says alot about the person. Ask yourself, if this person is not condemning or walking away from the hatred, but instead ignore it, can you depend on them to be there for you when a racist (especially their racist friend) attacks you? They have shown you that they have an allegience to the racist first.

As a minority, you can't afford friendship with racists and the friends of racists. A white person may be able to afford a friendship with a racist, but as a black person you can't afford such a thing.