Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tea baggers strike again

The Tea Party is the new KKK.

They have made racist pictures of Obama, even going as far as lynching him.

They recently hurled racial slurs at Rep. Lewis.

And they even directed their hate at a man with Parkinson's Disease.

What the hell is wrong with these rednecks?

Obviously they have no education when the first things they can think of in terms of is the word "nigger".

What is even more sickening is that these hateful creeps go to church the next day pretending to be Christian. I hope God is looking down and shaking his head at these Pharisees.

These Tea baggers remind me of why I am so proud to be a Democrat. I could never be what those people are supposed to be.

Someone needs to make a counter group that is full of love and not hate.

The reason we Liberals are so intolerant of conservatives is that we refuse to be tolerant of the intolerant.

The Tea Baggers clearly show they are intolerant as do all the other conservatives.