Tuesday, March 30, 2010

English as the official language: Its about culture

I fully support deporting all Hispanics/Latin people back to Mexico or whatever is south of the border. I feel the American identity is slowly dying away.

When they say "Melting pot", it means different ethnic cultures assimilate. Not try painstakingly to be different from others.

I find seeing Spanish on everything below english, and having to press 1 for English to be offensive. Why are we babying Mexicans?

They call it racist, we Americans call it wanting to preserve the American culture which is basically english. No one is telling you what you have to do in the privacy of your own home.

I just don't like the direction America is taking. I myself am not too keen on multicultural stuff. I don't like the idea that one could be rejected a job for not speaking Spanish. What has happened to good old American values?

Those who came before us both Democrat and Republican alike would be ashamed at how America has sold its sole because its too PC to tell Mexicans to learn English and to stop babying them.

Deport the illegals and stop immigration for a while.