Saturday, April 3, 2010

Liberals: The racist in disguise

With republicans/conservatives, you already know their views on race. They favor white supremacy over everyone else. They fight for whites. They are not accepting of others who are different from them.

But with liberals, its a different story.

There are two type of liberal racism. One type is the "white hero" racism. They feel you can only progress with their help. They look down on you and stereotype you as ghetto.

The other liberal racism type is much more like republican racism only difference is that the liberal votes democrat. Why? Because they are liberal about everything except race. They just care much more about something such as environment, separation of church and state, and gays more than they do about white supremacy.

Most white liberals fall into one of these two categories. Very very microscopic few are actually anti-racist. Not even the ones who are in interracial relationships are anti-racist. They have racist views themselves (my mom has racist views, although she isn't a liberal, but is a Democrat).