Friday, April 23, 2010

Blaming blacks for crimes they did not commit

It is very common for people, especially women to blame a black person for something they did not do, simply to cover up their own crimes and wrongs.

Blacks are not allowed to have a benefit of the doubt. They are treated guilty and are rarely allowed to be innocent of something by cops and the court.

The lastest blame "the black person" game was by an Iranian woman who decided to kill her kid.

I hope she gets the chair, mostly because any bitch that blames a black person for it when they didn't do it, doesn't deserve life.

Too bad the story of the boy who cried wolf can't apply here. Meaning, if people kept blaming blacks for their own crimes, then at some point, no one will believe them when they blame a black person for something. But life doesn't work that way. Cops are too stupid and Americans fully back racism against blacks.

When reported about this, you know how whites responded? They bashed black people and said racist shit while treating this Iranian murderer like an innocent angel who didn't deserve to be punished even though they knew she did it.

Whenever someone says a black did it, that translate to police as "arrest anyone that is black" because lets face it, white people think blacks look the same.

A light skinned black wearing hollister looks the same to them as a dark skinned black wearing gangsta clothing.

I hope this bitch rots in hell though. The world would be better off without racist scum like herself.