Friday, April 23, 2010

Why I would never trust a person who condoned racism

A racism condoner (for lack of a better term) is someone who basically looks the other way when a racist act occurs. They do not denounce it. They even go as far as having racist friends and try to justify it away.

Honestly, you don't have to justify it to me. You have clearly chosen the path of racism.

Its one thing to condone racism of family members. My mom bitches about blacks (yes I know, a white mom with half black kids who is racist sounds disturbing), and has gone as far as to say stereotypical racist crap about them.

She doesn't see how that affects me because she has chosen to ignore the fact that I am half black.

I have to condone her racism, because she is my mom. Some whites have to condone racism of their family because its their blood. You can't just abandon your family...not unless its really causing trouble or pain or something like that, or all the other thousands of reasons kids disown their parents or siblings.

But when it comes to friends, you do choose your friends. I can't stand it when someone tells me that they have a racist friend but then try to list all the good "attributes" about them. Why are you telling me, the black girl this? It doesn't matter to me all the good reasons you are friends with them, not when the one thing about them would keep us from ever being friends.

I just have no trust in people who condone the racism of a friend.

Now you are probably asking why. In your eyes, you don't see whats wrong, if the person themselves are not racist.

But thats just it. Condoning racism is no better than being a racist. You aren't doing anything to fight the wrong. You are basically telling them its okay to be that way.

It makes you question their allegience. Which friend means more to them? I mean at some point these 2 friends of a different spectrum will come face to face. How do you plan to reconcile the vile words that will spill out?

Do you side with the minority friend trying to fight back against the verbal insults? Or do you side with the racist friend simply because you knew them longer and you feel that their racism is forgivable because of all the other benefits of their friendship that only you, get?

You can't rely on these people to come to your defense because of their connections to a racist. If they had a moral compass they wouldn't be friends with a racist.

Besides, the condoner isn't helping your situation by being accepting of racist views. If anything they are making your life as a minority even harder because they aren't fighting this racism with you.