Friday, March 19, 2010

Visiting other cultures isn't need to emmerse!

Many will state that in order to have a better understanding of the cultures around you, you need to visit those countries.

But just visiting those countries isn't enough to show you how small of a world you live in.

One needs to emmerse themselves into those cultures.

Eat their foods, try out their traditions, learn some of their language, wear their clothes, and basically live and be like the people of that culture.

Anyone can visit another country and observe a culture from a stand-offish experience. But that won't give them a real understanding. That will on make them feel as though they are savages, barbaric or behind everyone else. It gives you a sense of superiority because you aren't experiencing their culture and why they prefer to keep their culture rather than fully be Westernized.

Its like how you will have thousands comment about the politics of other countries from the perspective of American politics being the "correct" way only.

If people emmersed themselves into other countries and experienced life in the shoes of others, I find it harder to believe that people could be so hateful.

Its like when you look at an image of the Earth from near the moon (the famous Apollo images), you can't believe there is so much hate and turmoil on that earth when its so small in the grand scheme of things.

A different culture is always going to remain primative to you as long as you don't fully experience the culture.