Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The racism in saying "why do blacks cry racism?"

When whites bitch about blacks "crying racism", the white person reveals their own ignorance and racism.

Only a racist would disregard a racist situation and complain about an entire race.

Whites really don't know how easy they have it due to being can only hope that one day they get to fully experience what blacks went through, today and in the past. It isn't pretty.

Whites claim that blacks get easily offended, but the reality is that whites tend to get more offended more over supposed black offense.

1. They expect blacks to remain content with their racism since its not "legal" racism.
2. The media tries to make whites think blacks do nothing but complain about racism...since whites refuse to have friends who are black or actually know blacks, or pretend they don't see blacks, they find it hard to believe that blacks are hard working people who are doing their jobs and trying to make a happy life for themselves like everyone else.
3. Its just too easy to blame blacks for the world's problems. That is why whites do not want to stop their racism and instead justify it.
4. Whites only care about racism when its whites that are the "victims".

Whites don't realize how racist they are when they say that blacks complain about racism too much. Whites have a victim mentality where they feel that blacks being treated as exact equals to whites will cause the whites to actually have to work hard for things. They don't want to lose their privelege.

Hopefully one day, karma will bite white people in the ass.