Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How can you not support an equal pay amendment?

So one of our senators a while back had voted "no" on the idea of equal pay. He is a republican, and all republicans voted no.

How can anyone who has common sense vote no?

This is another example of white privelege, it causes you to fail to see why equal pay is important.

The benefit to being black is that we have the ability to see things realistically and how it affects everyone. Whites have never been in a position where they could ever see how it affects everyone cause they are in the majority and have never had to struggle in life.

The best way to put why equal pay is important is like this:

You are working a hard job, you put your all into it. You get paid 20 dollars an hour for it. Someone else does the same job as you and puts in the same effort or less and gets paid 30 dollars for it.

Would that upset you?

This updated amendment to a past amendment about this issue would include everything from religion, race, gender, disability and age....

Its so easy when you are part of the majority, white male Christian, able bodied and in your 30s to vote "no" because it would put you at the disadvantage. You would actually have to work hard and compete with others.

But remember the wheel. Its always turning, its only a matter of time before you are the one getting the sucky end of the deal and the 10 dollars less in a job that someone else is doing.