Wednesday, March 17, 2010

White Liberal racism vs. White Conservative racism

Republicans tend to be more racist in a overt way. There is a reason many of us tend to refer to the Republican Party as the Party for Whites.

Liberals on the other hand have a more devious type of racism. Theirs fall in the "I pretend to care for your cause but really I see you as the stereotype".

Liberals pretend to be the "hero" and the "champion" for blacks...but notice how the black race has declined in the last 40 years?

Sure, we can't vote republican since the republicans would rather see our demise...but the liberals haven't done anything worthy for us since the 1960s. And those people back in the 1960s were hardly liberal in the same way we have liberals today.

Its one of those "lesser evils" issues again. Who is the better choice? One who is fully against you or one who parades around claiming to be on your behalf but deep down sees you as nothing more than a poster child for ghettoism even if you aren't.

Either way neither side benefit us.

All we can really do is stop the rap and sports influence and get rid of gangs and get our race back to how it behaved in the 1950s.

Cause in the end, whites-liberal or conservative-do not care for us.