Sunday, March 21, 2010

When it became "cool" to be Irish

When the Irish were allowed to be white and have white privlege they basically forgot all about the struggles they had and relished in their new found glory.

On top of that things began to change in the last few decades itself. It was no longer a mark of shame to be Irish. But now it is seen as cool. St. Patrick's Day proves that.

Besides, how often have we all made mention of our Irish blood?

I have it and almost every person I have ever known has it.

Its one thing to want to know about your bloodline and your heritage...but its another thing to claim you are Irish when you are not.

Unlike most countries, only in America do you see born and bred Americans divide themselves off by calling themselves Irish American.

The Irish are probably laughing at Americans. Americans seem to have this glory for being something that they themselves are not. Very few know of Irish history, let alone actually have been to Ireland. I wouldn't be surprised if most peoples' story is that the last family member from Ireland was 100 years ago.

No European wants to be connected to Americans if they don't have to be.

Some have exclaimed they are European! So they should say they are Irish American...but if one is European, that is basically saying there is no such thing as being American.

So it does bring up the question....should we be divided by ethnic descent or should we be united by nationality?