Friday, November 27, 2009

What all the biracial experience encompasses.

I once did a post, early on in my blog, about what a biracial experience is. I had mentioned that its essentially one's experience as a biracial person.

But to be more specific, a biracial experience really does encompass everything such as:

  • race
  • religion
  • lifestyle
  • tastes: music, clothing, and other stuff.
Essentially the biracial experience is just another way of saying one's experience in life the only difference is that its coming out of the mouth of someone who is biracial. Blacks have a black experience. Whites have a white experience. Asians have an asian experience and so on.

Our race helps shape the kind of experience we will all have whether we like it or not. That is why you will find alot of biracials with different experiences in life. Some may have experienced lots of racism while some only experienced some and a few have been lucky to not experience any at all.

I have mentioned before biracials are at a disadvantage. Typically mono-racial people have the same experience. White usually live in their white world (and privilege) and blacks usually have the same experience (the working class and having to deal with racism and other disadvantages). But with biracials it can go so many ways.

But the biracial experience pretty much is one's life experiences, only from the eyes of someone who is biracial.

This is why it angers me when other people (black, white, and even biracial) sit there telling you your experience is not real or important. Its not real to you or important to you because its not your experience. You didn't have to live it.