Monday, November 30, 2009

Criticizing black men

In society, its okay to down on black women and make false assumptions. If a black woman dares get angry she is labeled an angry black woman, or worse, ghetto.

Black men get away with doing this because well they are men.

But yet black women get accused of some of the most heinous things if she dares criticize the state of which most black men are in.

I feel a black woman has the right to complain about black men, if she has had enough experiences.

I don't feel its wrong to say that many black men shirk responsibilities theses days and get women pregnant and then leave her. My dad did it, my sister's dad did it. And so many other girls dad did it.

Yes we all know other races of men do it, but one is lying if they dare say that black men often do it more, which statistically they do.

Here is what makes the problem of fixing problems within a race so hard. Communication is shut off.

I feel its wrong for a white person to tell black people what is wrong with the black community. It has to come from someone who is black. Likewise, if the white race were to ever fix the problems within their race it would have to come from the persistance of a white person not black people. Why else do you think the Civil Rights movement was as successful as it was, when white people started marching along with the blacks and advocating for them on their behalf, people started to listen. The same happened with slavery.

Someone once commented, that these kinds of people are known as "translators" they take the message of what blacks say and white-itize it for white people to hear.

No one wants someone of another race telling them what is wrong with their race or telling them how to fix their race, especially since that person has no real ties to that race.

Now biracials are faced with the problem of having ties to both, especially those raised by their white side, they almost have a given right to an opinion of both sides because they seen it all for themselves. But most do not since we go by race, not titles.

But even when blacks do try to address the problems, they often recieve backlash usually from lower class people (I am not knocking lower class people as I am poor too). When Obama tried to address the father problem, Jesse Jackson totally bad mouthed him.

I mean come on! Even the prez says the same thing.

You see, we can be in denial about the problems within the race, make excuses for everything, or we can address the problems.

Part of the problem is that every person of every race has shirked personal responsibility. Some say this happened after the Great Depression, when it became alright for the gov't to take care of everything.

But living in a PC society we are not prepared for someone to come right out and criticize, so we take quick offense. Communication is shut off to hearing the problems. No one wants to live in reality, cause its depressing, we make it depressing because not a single human being really wants to clean it up.

Why? Because its a team effort. If one race was to fix its problems, all the other races would need to fix their problems, its a chain...everyone has to do something to make it all work.