Monday, August 10, 2009

Oreo and Mutt?

The words Nigger and Mongrel are horrible words. They are offensive and mean.

The words Uncle Tom and White washed are harsh terms too.

But there are two words that are lesser but is offensive based on individual interpretation.

Those words are Mutt and Oreo.

Oreo is a more less offensive version of Uncle Tom and White washed. Oreo, can almost be more of an affectionate term. Oreo means, one is black on the outside, yet white on the inside.

I don't find Oreo offensive because I am who I am. If black people have a problem with that, then that is THEIR problem.

The reason Oreo is less of an insult to me is because when I hear it, i quickly think cookies. Its hard to insult someone who begins to crave cookies.

As for mutt, that word is not offensive to me either. Mutt is a less mean version of mongrel, but with mutt, it too can be more affectionate. Just as recent as a few months ago, Obama referred to himself as a mutt, when he said "mutts like me" when talking about a choice of a dog to buy for his children.

I am not so upset by it because I happen to like dogs, so its fine by me.

In the end, the thing about words, are that to some people, some words are offensive, but not always to others.

People tend to take anything the wrong way.