Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mixed: My Life in Black and White

I just finished reading Angela Nissel's book, Mixed: My Life in Black and White.

This was the first book that I have read that talked about being mixed, in depth. Sure I read The Autobiography of Frederick Doulgass when I was in high school, but what I liked about Angela's book, was that it wasnt really so much her life story, it was just her life story about race.

Reading people's reviews at Amazon, it seemed only one person had a problem with the book. This person also showed that they were a racist white person...but they complained that all she talked about was race. Stating she was obsessed over race.

This reminded me of the complaints blacks and whites give at Youtube when they go to Tiffany's Mulatto Diaries.

In my mind, its common sense, the names alone gives it away that its about race.

The biracial experience is about being biracial....

Tiffany even states in her description box that, this is about being biracial in America. That she is going to talk about race from her perspective. and YET, people still say she is race obsessed or talks about race too much. Isn't that kind of the point.

And its the same with Mixed. The whole point of Angela's book is to talk about HER experiences as a mulatto.

It sounds like her entire life is revolved around race...but it is not. The point of the book is to talk about the race issues she dealt with. Having to come to terms with who she was. The book was by no means an autobiography of her life.

A few years earlier, she wrote a book called The Broke Diaries (which I plan to start reading today). In that book, I expect it will have to do with finances. Would that make her money obsessed? NO!!

When you title something, people expect you to stay with that topic.

Look at the show ER...because the title is ER, I would expect most of the action to take place in the Emergency Room. I would expect that there are more than one central characters. But when I look at a show like House or HawthoRNe, I expect that the show has only 1 central character, that central character being the title role.

Angela's book is great. Although my biracial experience, so far (the experience never stops), has been different in some ways, I can still understand her and why she did what she did and why she was the way she was.

I feel as though more mulattoes, especially athletes, authors, artists, musicians, actors/tresses should get together and make a compilation book on The Biracial Experience, and have them each talk about their own experiences, and their own tips, and all sorts of things.

Angela Nissel's Mixed: My Life in Black and White, is a must read, if you are mulatto!!!