Saturday, August 15, 2009

Biracial is a title not a skin tone?

The hardest part about establishing "mulatto" as its own race, is the fact that skin tone kinda ruins this.

The problem is a 2 way.

There is no specific skin tone for mulattoes. Although the consensus on the skin tone, seems to be "light brown" (think Lisa Bonet's and Alicia Keys skin tone for girls, and Barack Obama's and Grady Sizemore's for guys).

But, what about even lighter skinned biracials, such as Jennifer Beals, who in some instances could pass for white, while in other instances, looks mixed?

And then you have biracials much darker, dark to the point that they you would undoubtedly think black, dark in terms of Tiger Woods (although he is not mulatto).

But what makes establishing "mulatto" as its own even harder, is the fact that black people can look as light brown as biracials.

Light skinned blacks, make it harder to have "mulatto" because, how do you know who is black and who is only half black?

It was the One Drop Rule that made it easier for racists, while at the same time boosted black achievements.

But that is the problem. In an attempt to try to make "biracial" its own race...would it simply be nothing more than a title?

Race in America, by default means skin tone. One day biracial people may get their "biracial" title...but as far as how one is treated, well, "biracial" may never be recognized racially.

Unless they decide to establish "brown skin" = biracial...then many will be passing for "biracial"? It sounds more like a calamity.

It will take centuries to undo the damage ODR has brought.


Biracial Christian Girl said...

You know Tiger Woods is biracial right? his mother is Tai

Biracial Christian Girl said...

oh ok I see what you mean.