Friday, August 14, 2009

Does Environment Play a Role?

In my previous blog, I stated, that many biracial people gravitate to their white side.

Many people often wonder, why that is.

Usually biracial people are raised by just their white parents. When the only side you know is white, you more than likely end up being raised in the white world.

Its lack of black influence, that causes you to relate to white people more.

But then that confuses people. Why? Because, how do you explain biracials raised by black moms, who relate to their white side more?

Often biracials raised by black moms, exhibit more black culture in them, than white culture, but there are exceptions.

It is then based on, what the black mom was exposed to. If she herself, was assimilated into white culture, and happened to be a token, and liked "white music", "dressed white" and etc, it is likely this will be passed on to the daughter.

Moms have a powerful influence, especially over the daughters.

The culture you bring them up in, will either cause them to rebel or to adopt it as their own.

Most often we adopt.

I used to hate it when my mom would listen to Oldies music...but now I like to listen to that music too....along with many other genres.

We are all products of our environment. Environment, greatly plays a role in the kind of person we will be.

You are asking now, what is an environment? It is your family, friends, neighbors, neighborhood, enemies, etc. Its the people around you. The people in your life.

Biracial people tend to gravitate to their white side, because of the environment they were raised in.