Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why I don't associate with black conservatives

Black conservatives are worse than white conservatives. Why? Because black conservative actually support racism against their own!!

I equate black conservatives to ghetto blacks. They are the type of blacks that are embarrassing. They are worse than uncle toms, they are Jim Crow loving blacks.

I hate the Clarence Thomas' and Condi Rices and Michael Steeles of the world. They are the definition of "uppity blacks".

Its one thing to get past a white racist...but a black who willingly supports racism against blacks and wants the death of blacks, is outrageous. As far as I am concerned these people aren't black, they are just whites in black face.

My stupid sister is one of these black conservative cretins (she is biracial)...I do not talk to her at all.

Conservative Christians are the Pharisees of the Bible, on that ground alone I have no reason to converse with those kinds of "humans". But I can't respect a conservative black person...they are just dumb people who don't use their brains and tend to be followers....they are what is wrong with America.