Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why English should be the official Language of the US

I hate the fact that its becoming harder to get certain jobs because you have to be bilingual. Either send them back to their country or require them to learn English. Stop making Americans pay at the expense of lazy foreigners.

How can a country ever unify if it is too busy allowing illegals and legal immigrants get away with disloyalty. Loyal immigrants would make the effort to learn english.

No one is trying to take your language away. No one is saying you can't speak your home language at home. We are simply saying that in public places, use English.

Don't expect to get hired if you don't know English.

If America doesn't establish the law to make English our language, then when the Spanish take over, they will make sure their language is the official language and then its officially goodbye America.

Its common courtesy to learn the language of the country you visit or decide to live in. If I moved to Canada, I would try to figure out how to spell words the way Canadians do.

Why should everyone else bow down to you, the foreigner? You aren't special, America will survive without you.

Its very simple, learn English or LEAVE America.