Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Illegal Immigration makes you racist?

This is unrelated to my previous post.

This is a case where I actually empathize with whites.

Whites often get called racist for being against illegal immigration.

But the catch is, no white ever specifically refers to a race. Sometimes they will talk about the biggest minority group of illegals, which is Latin people, and also the one minority group that doesn't try to assimilate language wise (ever notice that you don't have to press 3, 4 or 5 for Chinese (or Korean), Ghanaian, or Indian?), Latins have been the only minority group to try not to learn English, at least those from the middle east, Africa, and Asia, and European countries try to.

But anyways, Whites get called racist for saying they are against illegal immigration. Who on earth can possibly be for such a thing, that is like complete anarchy.

But the ones who are really racist are the ones that assume you mean hispanics! If someone doesn't specify, it shows that you yourself are stereotypical for acting as if someone is racist when they never specified a group.

This isn't about implying. When you call someone racist, you can't call someone racist based on feeling like it was implied but never said. They have to actually have said something that is specified.