Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Republican definition of being for "black rights"

Recently I discovered something...whenever Republicans claim they are for black rights, they have only presented one case.


Back in the 1800s Republicans were what the Democrats of today are.

Yet Republicans try to take credit for what the Republicans were of yesterday.

Although Lincoln and his like were NOT for the ending of slavery, he was simply just backed into that corner.

Why do republicans of today try to take credit for an event from 150 years ago? Why do they use it as proof they are for black rights?

Because they have no recent arguments to use. There are so many cases in the last 60 years that only serve to prove why blacks vote for Democrats.

I mean, its sad when the first thing that comes out of your mouth as proof that the republicans are for black rights is an event no one of today was even alive for!

It only serves as proof that republicans of today are NOT for black rights. There is a reason many of us call that party the White Party and supporters of white supremacy. They chose to only pander to whites and racism. They are the ones who constantly use racism and justify it.