Sunday, October 11, 2009

The problem with politics today.

I am sure you have heard many state before, that politics today is so bad that politicians on opposing sides, are no longer friends. Back in the day, before the Bush era, politicians could get along. It only seems like now, they come together and say something nice, when a great politician, such as Ted Kennedy pass away.

Nowadays they stick together, and regular people are starting to, if they already haven't, repeat the same thing. It seems like the only people who can possibly get along with people with different political beliefs are those who do not discuss beliefs.

I am one of those people who doesn't like to talk much about politics with other people. I have no desire to debate issues. I have my beliefs, and I have no reason to change them or change other peoples beliefs. If people want to be wrong, that is their choice, I am not their mom, its not my job to correctly guide them.

But politics today are just out of hand. People causing a stir over every little thing, crying wolf over the fact that Obama had spoken to kids at a school. People are not choosing their battles properly.

I and many others have said this before, but if you take away all the things each party stands for, you got two identical parties with the same agenda, and that agenda is looking out for themselves. Are they to blame? no, because we are all human, and you would be a liar if you said you cared for others first, a Mother Theresa is a rare oddity today.

The only people to blame is society. The one thing I kept hearing in the 2008 election was "vote for the lesser of 2 evils". For some that Obama was the lesser evil (McCain wasn't the evil, Palin was), and for others McCain was the lesser evil. Those who prefer to vote Libertarian or vote Independent (Independent is NOT Libertarian its a vague term that has no party attachments), were told they were throwing their votes away, but where they really?

A true American wouldn't vote for the lesser evil. They would vote who they believe in. Most people foolishly believe they must vote Republican or Democrat, they fail to realize, that isn't the only choice. But they are unaware of other choices because the way all the Independent parties are set up is have some parties that are on ballots in only some states, so how can the maximum votes be acquired?

That isn't the only problem. Another problem is the fact that politicians play two horrible games that the public themselves feed into. Its the Blame game and the all or nothing game. The blame game is where Republicans and Democrats do nothing but blame each other for problems, problems that neither party opt to fix. Because they are so busy blaming, nothing is getting done because nobody is doing what they are supposed to, to get it fixed. And then there is the All or nothing game, which is the fatal blow in why politics these days are messed up.

The All or nothing game is essentially where the parities would rather have nothing if they can't have it all. Neither party will compromise. One side is Pro Life, the other is Pro Choice, the obvious solution would be to meet half way. Put a limit on abortions one could have OR make it only legal for cases of rape, incest, and medical issues. This way you meet half way...which is alot better than debating for over 30 years whether its right or wrong. Why deny half the country their rights, for your own selfish reasons?

The all or nothing game prevents this country from moving forward, because the reality is, no party can really have it all...and most often you will end up with nothing...and because you keep fighting to have it all and always get nothing, you never take the initiative to just meet half way for the good of the country.

America is going backwards...its behind most developed countries....

Politics today are horrible, most people lack common sense, are full of paranoia, and media and people like Limbaugh and Beck only serve to make things worse by throwing out lies and inaccurate information.

In the end, its only a matter of time before the political parties of today crash. First it will be Republicans (unless they decide to finally official call themselves a white power group rather than an implied white power group), followed by the Democrats. And yes, a party can fall. If the Republican party can go from supporting human rights to denying human rights, then I would say these parties can also fall...just look at the Whig Party and the Federalist Party, they are LONG GONE.