Sunday, October 11, 2009

Someone made a good point once...

Someone once told me that if the Republicans cared about blacks and not just whites, then blacks would more than likely be Republican. In fact, blacks were once Republican. Remember, before the 60s (40s if you really want to consider it), both parties were conservative compared to the Democrat party of today.

But someone had outlined how many blacks (at least the older blacks above ages 20 or 25), are conservative Democrats. The only thing that keeps them from voting Republican is the fact that Republicans do not care for blacks and have often show racist behavior towards blacks....

Its interesting, but true. Blacks are very Christian, and quite possibly more Christian and abiding by the Bible than many white people these days...but there is a difference in how whites and blacks show their Christianity.

In a sense, it makes you wonder, why hasn't the Republican party ever attempted to reclaim the hold they once had on black people? I mean, most blacks vote Democrat because the Democrats went from being the party that denied human rights to being the party that supported human rights. If Republicans looked out for blacks the same way they look out for white people, their party would be much more invincible. I guess the problem with the Republican party is that they have become too much like the Nazi party from Germany. Blacks just simply want their rights, and if Republicans weren't so against them, more blacks would vote for them, because for the most part, most blacks agree with the Christian politics (even though their Christian life and experience is different from whites).