Saturday, October 17, 2009

But what about the children?

Those who are against interracial marriages but do not want to outwardly admit its because they do not like other races, will always say "but what about the children?". My grandpa died before both me and my sister were born, according to my mom, he said that very line, "but what about the children?", my uncle also said that line, but has come to accept it (at least somewhat) by now.

There is a bit of truth in that question. The reality is, some people are so caught up in love they do not think about the children.

How extreme the racism is will depend on the location. You would think it was a given that if you do not raise your kid in a mono-racial location...meaning if you are not white, do not raise them in a strictly white town...raise them in a cultural area.

But its weird...the same people who usually say "but what about the children?" are usually the same people who make it hard for biracial people in the first place.

Even though this question is ultimately ineffective, and is only spouted by racists, one must be prepared for this racist world, having biracial children in a country that still glorifies whites and supports racism against minorities, is not going to be a simple walk in the park.


Biracial Christian Girl said...

wow I've been wanting to hit on the subject for a long time. So so so true. Saying it's all about the children is code for " I don't want anyone black or part black in my family" That's all it really means. The people saying don't want to be thought of as racist. It's always a big cop out for people to use that. And yes , the very people saying the children will have a hard time are the very people in society that are making it hard form them by their racist attitudes. by the way, happen to read about the Louisiana Justice of the Peace who turned away an interracial couple? He too said it was all about the children. lol.

myperspective08 said...

thats actually where i got the inspiration for this post. i hope he gets removed from is position...

Biracial Christian Girl said...

It made me sick. it's very hilarious how he thinks he's not racist because " he let's blacks use his bathroom"