Saturday, May 8, 2010

White Othello??

I detest Shakespeare in every way possible. Unless one can do an updated version such as 10 Things I Hate About You or She's the Man, I can honestly say, I will get bored quickly.

In fact, I hate theatre all together. Back in October I saw Phantom of the Opera. Realizing that the mask is just like the one in the movie and alot of the scenes and songs are more like the 2004 movie as opposed to say the grotesque 1900s movie, I realized, why see it like that when I could see it on tv with someone as hot as Gerard Butler?

On top of that, my seat wasn't the greatest. It was free tickets from the school, what do you expect?

So I am not a theatre enthusiast.

But, Othello is one of the very miniscule, if only, plays by Shakespeare that has to do with a black man. The problem is, they rarely use a black man. They use a white man with black make up or just use a white man with no makeup.

Authenticity it lacks. Why get a white man to play what a black man can do naturally by just being himself?

Worse, whites are taking what few roles blacks do have away from them for the most selfish reasons.

I do not like Shakespeareans one bit. They are horrific people, who are blinded by ignorance and have yet to enter the 21st century.

I do not like to socialize with Shakespeareans because they are freaks of natures. They are talentless and that is why most of them will never cross over into Hollywood where the real acting is at.

A white Othello is a joke, and just gives me further reason to be anti-Shakespeare plays.