Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Gestapo strike again!

RIP Aiyana Jones.

As usual white people are hailing the murderous cop as a hero for once again killing an innocent black.

So what was this little girl's crime? She was living in an apartment where the real culprit lived just above.

Because the police decided not to get their information together and actually think their strategy through, an innocent child was murdered by the police.

Its as if criminals aren't the only people we have to worry about being on the loose killing innocent seems the police are doing a good job of that themselves.

But the public want to blame it on the family and have been justifying her death, excusing the murderous cops and basically toss this girl's life into the trashcan as if it meant nothing.

I hate how the police have a license to kill whomever they want whenever they want. They don't have to ask questions, they don't have to have all their facts together. You don't even have to be a long as you are black, you are allowed to be killed for just being black.

One idiot who called the police "heroes" said that its the family's fault for not knowing their neighbors. Need I remind people of Dymond Millburn? The little girl who was beaten by police, and it turned out the police (who were dressed undercover) had the wrong address. Not to mention their suspects were does on mix up the colors white and black?

In the end, for blacks it doesn't matter where you doesn't matter the color or age or gender of the suspects...just being black is "suspicion" enough for them to arrest you, beat you, or worse, murder you.

The police department where I live is currently in hot water for murdering a white guy...the fact that they rough-handled a white guy makes you wonder what they would do to a black person.

Its become tradition among blacks to tell of stories of dealing with racist cops. I remember when I had to deal with an officer once and as I left, he decided to say "you can always come to us if you need it" I rolled my eyes, gave a snort and turned away only for him to decide to talk down to me for it. Even then at 16 I knew one couldn't trust the police. I figured out even though I was raised in a white family.

I mean, I am against the "no snitchn" campaign and all and do believe one should go to the police if something happened to you mostly for legalistic reasons even though there does seem to be a consensus among many that the police never seem to show up until after the crime has been committed.

I know some want to argue that there are "good cops". My question is why don't they ever take a stand and condemn the bad cops rather than excuse them or justify their actions? In fact, the ones that do that hardly seem like good cops.