Monday, May 10, 2010

Jim Crow forgotten

Often whites can only seem to remember that slavery happened. They just love to use excuses like "slavery ended 150 years ago" or "I never owned slaves". But what about Jim Crow? That lasted for nearly 100 years and was just as bad if not worse in some ways than slavery.

And many people from that era are still alive. Would you actually tell a woman who is in her 80s or 90s to get over something that more than likely had a major impact on her life?

Would you tell someone such as Ruby Bridges who integrated an elementary school to get over what she went though since times are apparently different (which really isn't true)? What about Minnijean Brown of The Little Rock Nine?

What about family members of MLK?

Racism is still alive. One of the worst things to come out of the Civil rights movement is that its harder to spot the racists since a good majority of them have went under ground and are not loudly vocal like they used to be.

I get sick of seeing whites use the "slavery is over" argument. It holds no water considering its not slavery anyone is talking about!!!