Thursday, May 20, 2010

Speaking of the "No Snitchin" campaign...

So knowing my views on the police...why am I against the "No Snitchin" campaign you ask?

I probably did a post on this already but never hurts to repeat one's self.

I am against it because its very premise is to basically refrain from giving valuable information on the baddies so they can be arrested.

As racist and corruptive as the police are, at the same time I don't want criminals on the loose because of some point that obviously isn't getting across.

No snitchin is only hurting us more. I mean lets face it, the police don't care about us. They just care only when whites become the victim.

But whats sad is when people do tell the police and the police ignore it, such cases like Anthony Sowell.

Those kind of incidents only cause more people to support the "no snitchin" campaign...their rationale being: why should we tell you considering when we do you don't listen anyways!

I undestand and support the message blacks have to say about blacks and the system(police, courts)...but I don't support the methods about trying to get the message across. They aren't getting the message and our own people are suffering from "no snitchin".