Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ew Eddie, why???

Out of what feels like pure torture, my mom made me watch The Young and the Restless a few days ago...and I saw the dude from Family Matters on there.

I mean, I don't care for Family Matters, and I don't care for the character Eddie (I don't remember the actor's name) but I can't believe he went from sitcom to a lame ass soap.

Whats worse is that he apparently replaced this really hot dude who now has a role on Criminal Minds.

What I find funny is that it was like a Vivien Banks color reversal. In the case of The Young and the Restless, it went from a light skinned character to a dark skinned. Same character though.

I imagine it was because there were too many light skinned blacks on the show probably...cause the scene I saw him in had this other dude and this young dude both light skinned...

But why any self-respecting person would want to be on a soap opera is beyond me. Hopefully within 5 years soaps will be history.