Monday, December 14, 2009

Being idealisitic won't help much realistically

There is a user over at another blog who prefers to be idealistic about some things, too idealistic to the point that they are shirking reality.

The problem: So the user was hating on a mom who gave up her biracial daughter and then when she planned to meet her she warned her children that she is half black. This mom grew up as a teen in the 1950s. In Mormon Country that is Utah. Remember for starters that it was the Mormons who popularized the idea that blacks are cursed and are bad and are God's rejects because of the Curse of Ham (or in some places Canaan). It was only a few decades ago they started to "recant" what was said and done earlier and started letting blacks have higher positions in their churches.

But anyways this user said that if the parent raises their child correctly then they can't possibly be affected by outside influences at all.

But here is what makes her little theory wrong.

  1. We each have our own opinions, and in every way possible our influences are effected by those around us, including outside influences. You would have to shelter them from reality and never let them go into, in order to block them from outside influences.
  2. It is possible to have a racist in an anti-racist home just the same that its possible to have an anti-racist in a racist home. The mother more than likely had a poor choice in her words, something I am all too familiar with. Nothing worse than anal people who mistake the first thing you say because you didn't say it the way they said it. No one never stopped to think that maybe the mom was also looking out for the daughter she gave up, maybe she wanted to keep the negitivty away when she would arrive to meet the family. Or at least avoid the first surprises. I mean her kids that she later on had were white. How are they to know their mom in a time where it was illegal to be with another race had sex with a black man, twice?
  3. Ultimately this user forgets that in reality, racism and hate still exist. That the parent can't keep their children from the realities of the world. All the parent can do is do their part to help the navigate the world and hope they make the right moral and social choices instead of the wrong ones. When you assume that outside influences have no power whatsoever on your children, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You will get blindsided. You have to take into account the realities of the world and their temptations they have on people. Never underestimate the power of evil.
In the end, being a dreamer and being idealistic don't matter much when you forget to pay attention to reality. Yes everyone says go for your dreams, but that doesn't work if you don't take the time to look at reality to figure out how to go about your dreams. Likewise, if you think idealistically and never how society is realistically, you will find yourself dealing with exactly what you are idealistically trying to avoid...Reality doesn't stop sadly when we decide to think above it or remove ourselves from it.